This Week at EUUC - November 22, 2017

From: "Edmonds Unitarian Universalist Congregation News" <>
Subject: This Week at EUUC - November 22, 2017
Date: November 22nd 2017
Edmonds Unitarian Universalist Congregation - link to the website

November 22, 2017


Sunday, November 26, 2017

Sunday Services @ 9 and 11 a.m.


"A Masterpiece of Connection" by Rev. Emily Melcher

Music: Youth and Adult Choirs

Programs for Children and Youth:

Program Holiday (Thanksgiving break)

Toddler Room: Open from 9:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. for children ages 6 months to 3 years.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Sunday Services @ 9 and 11 a.m.


"Rest, Reflections and Mischief" by Rev. Eric Kaminetzky

Music: Dr. Tomoko Maki

Programs for Children and Youth:

Classes for Preschool-Grade 8: 9:00 a.m. Children begin in service with families.

High School Youth Group 11:00 a.m.

Toddler Room: Open from 9:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. for children ages 6 months to 3 years.


Gatherings and events

Racial Justice Summit

Sunday, December 3 at 12:30 p.m. in Chapman Hall

Join the Racial Justice Workgroup in an exploration of how our congregation should move forward on racial justice issues. What educational opportunities do we want to provide? What kind of advocacy and witness do we want to peruse? How do we want to organize our efforts? The meeting will start with a presentation by Rev. Cecilia Kingman and end with a discussion designed to share ideas and set a course for future action. Everyone is welcome! Childcare and a light lunch will be provided. Please register at the Social Justice Desk.

World Without Hate - event 

Sunday, December 3 from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Shoreline Conference Center, 18560 1st Ave NE, Shoreline, WA 98155

The Racial Justice Workgroup of EUUC is co-sponsoring a special event, Healing the Hate. This event will feature a talk by Rais Bhuiyan, founder and president of World Without Hate (WWH) and subject of a book and film, The True American. His story is about "the transformational power of forgiveness, of embracing compassion and mercy, and of teaching others the beauty to be found in acceptance and empathy” after being shot in the face by a white supremacist for being Muslim, in the days following 9/11.  

Save the Date

Celebrate the Winter Solstice: Join the EUUC Wheel of the Year Pagan Circle for the Winter Solstice celebration on Friday, December 15 at 7 p.m.

December Reading Circle: "The First White President" - the Atlantic article will be available at the Social Justice Desk. Friday, December 15 at Rachel Maxwell's home. Potluck at 6:30 p.m., discussion at 7 p.m.

January/February Reading Circle: "Daring Democracy" - Copies of Igniting Power, Meaning, and Connection for the America We Want are available at the Social Justice Desk. Discussion dates - January 14 and 28 and February 11.

Events of Interest 

Pacific Northwest UU Anti-Racist Activists:  KICK-OFF EVENT

Saturday Dec. 2, 2017 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the East Shore Unitarian Church, 12700 SE 32nd St. Bellevue

This is an interfaith meeting for individuals committed to Racial Justice work. This is a Unitarian Universalist Anti-Racist gathering to initiate and build capacity to work together and learn together, to increase effectiveness at fighting white privilege and white supremacy in ourselves, our churches and our society. Share ideas and resources and build a collaborative coalition that will create greater impact in racial justice work. Pre-registration is required.  Stop by the Social Justice Desk at EUUC for information on how to register. 


Create your legacy

Charitable bequests are a simple and popular way to make a legacy gift. By including a bequest to EUUC through your will, trust, UUA charitable gift annuity, IRA or life insurance, you are assuring that your Congregation continues to nurture the spirit in our community and work for a just and sustainable world. When you remember EUUC in your will or other estate plans, you make a personal financial commitment so that the Congregation will have a meaningful impact for future generations. A bequest of any size is a significant gift and represents a legacy that will endure for many years. Matching funds: Ten percent of the present value of your legacy gift will be matched by an immediate gift to our Congregation from the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Shelter Rock, NY. For further information, consult your financial adviser and/or email Endowment.

Taming Bigfoot Edmonds

It is time to sign up to be part of Taming Bigfoot Edmonds. The EUUC board has formed its own team and is challenging the congregation to join them in this community carbon footprint reducing competition. You can form a team on your own with friends and neighbors or if you'd like, you can be placed on an EUUC team. To do this, and to get more information, stop by the Social Justice Desk in the Narthex.

Holiday Projects

Once again, we are getting ready for our Holiday projects. A table will be in the foyer on Sundays, where you can sign up to help with these projects. One of our main activities is the South Snohomish County Toy Shop. Parents who are clients at the Lynnwood or Mountlake Terrace foodbanks will have the opportunity to come to the Toy Shop and pick out a gift for their child.

A new library for EUUC 

We will be moving the existing library to a new and bigger location.  Room 7 will become our Living Library and the present library space will become office space for our student minister and will also act as a private place for pastoral care meetings. We need a few volunteers over the next few weeks to help box and then re-shelve books. Please email the Congregational Administrator if you can help.

Register Children Now for Faith Development

Ingathering is fast approaching, so don’t forget to register your kids for our Faith Development program. Registering helps keep Faith Development running smoothly by making sure we have accurate and up to date information on important things like birthdays, allergies, and emergency contacts. You can find the form here.

Weekly Family Email

Our Minister for Faith and Justice, the Rev. Cecilia Kingman, sends out a weekly email update about the week's programs and other special announcements. If you have children under 18 and would like to receive this weekly message, send a note to Cecilia and include your children's names and ages, and your name and contact info.

Registration Open for Children and Youth

Registration is now open for Programs for Children and Youth. Please visit our website to register your child or youth, or stop by the office for paper registration. All children ages one to 18 should be registered.


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